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Thermostat replacement options and tips

Your home’s thermostat is a small but essential part of your HVAC system. It plays a crucial role in regulating your indoor temperature and ensuring that your space is comfortable and energy-efficient. When something goes wrong with your thermostat, it can be challenging to identify the issue and select the best replacement since there are so many options on the market today.

Today we’re going to explore the various home thermostat options and help you determine which one is the best fit for you. But first, let’s talk about some signs that your HVAC thermostat isn’t working as well as it should.

Hints that your HVAC thermostat isn’t working right

Your thermostat might give you hints that something is wrong long before it completely stops working. Here are a few signs to watch out for that may indicate it’s no longer working correctly.

Temperature inconsistencies: Does your space feel warmer or colder than it seems it should based on your thermostat settings? If you set the thermostat to a certain temperature, but the temperature of your home does not match the setting, this could be a sign of a malfunctioning thermostat. Constant cycling: The thermostat is responsible for communicating with the HVAC system to turn on and off. If it is not working correctly, it can cause the system to cycle more often than necessary. So, if you notice your system is turning on and off a bit too much, it could be a sign of a malfunctioning thermostat.

High utility bills: A malfunctioning thermostat can also lead to higher than normal utility bills. This can happen if it is unable to accurately read the temperature, causing your system to work more than it really should. This issue may be paired with temperature inconsistencies. So, if you notice either or both problems, it may be time to check your thermostat.

Unresponsive controls: When you change the setting on your thermostat it kickstarts a chain of events. Usually, you’ll hear your system click on or off shortly after this depending on the adjustment you made, which is normal. If you find that your thermostat is not responding when you adjust the temperature, it could indicate that the controls are not working properly.

These are a few hints that your thermostat isn’t working correctly and needs to be looked at by an HVAC professional. If you do need to replace it, you’ll want to understand a bit about the thermostat options available to you.

Types of HVAC thermostats

An HVAC professional can help you determine which types of thermostats would work with your system. They can also offer their expertise on which type is best for your system and home. It’s still a good idea, however, to understand the basic options so you can make an informed decision.

Manual Thermostats

Manual thermostats are the most basic type of thermostat. They are non-programmable and require manual adjustments to control your indoor temperature. They come in both digital and analog varieties. These may be less expensive than other options, but they can be less accurate and require more attention to maintain your desired temperature.

Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats allow you to set your desired temperature for different times of the day or week. This allows you to reduce your energy usage and save money on your utility bills. For example, you can program your thermostat to lower the temperature when you're away at work or asleep at night. This feature is particularly beneficial if you have a regular schedule.

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats are the most advanced type of thermostat on the market. They can be controlled through your smartphone or computer, allowing you to adjust your indoor temperature remotely. Some models also have features like voice control and can learn your daily routine and adjust the temperature accordingly. They are often more expensive than other types of thermostats, but their advanced features can provide significant energy savings and convenience.

Additional Thermostat Features

Many thermostats offer additional features that can enhance their functionality. For example, some models have sensors that detect when a room is occupied and adjust the temperature accordingly. Others have alerts that notify you when it's time to change your air filter or when your HVAC system needs maintenance.

When selecting a new thermostat, it's essential to consider its compatibility with your HVAC system. Different thermostats require different types of wiring and voltage. It's also important to ensure that the replacement thermostat fits in the same location as the previous one. This is where a trusted HVAC professional comes in handy. They can help you select the right thermostat and ensure that it's installed correctly.

If you’re fearing the worst for your thermostat and need some friendly help to sort it all out, we’re here to help. Give us a call in the Dallas/Fort Worth area at (817) 226-2665 or (210) 369-9468 in San Antonio/Hill Country, 24/7.

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